Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Small Business Tax Tips: Where to Find Free Tax Information

by Wayne M Davies Trying to get a handle on the complex world of small business taxes? There are plenty of good resources available, both online and offline, for free and not-so-free. I'm assuming you want to postpone spending any money on a topic you may prefer not to touch with a ten-foot pole let alone a ten-dollar bill. So let's review some of the least expensive tax resources available. Is free a good price for you? Believe it or not, the IRS has a plethora of free resources for the business owner. The place to start is the Small Business and Self-Employed Tax Center at Now before you go there and start clicking away until your head spins, let me give you a heads up on how to best navigate the IRS web page. First, you need to know what type of business entity you own: sole proprietorship, S corporation, C corporation, limited liability company or partnership. Once you have that basic piece of information in mind, click on the link "A-Z Index for Business" and you'll be taken to a page that is organized by the various types of business entities listed above. Under the heading "Business Types", click on your particular business type and you'll be taken to a page that provides just about everything you need to know about taxes for that entity. For example, let's assume you are a sole proprietor. So you click on the Sole Proprietor link and you'll be taken to a page that contains a chart for all the major income tax forms you'll need, organized according to the type of tax. For income tax, there are links for forms Form 1040 and Schedule C. For Self-Employment Tax, there's a link to Schedule SE. If you have employees, there are links to the various employment-related tax forms (Forms 941, 940, W-2, etc). This is a very handy chart because it gives you the big picture for all the main types of business taxes and their associated tax forms. Below this chart is the heading "References/Related Topics". Under this heading is a clickable list of several excellent resources that you can view online or download as free PDF files. Two of the best IRS small business publications are listed here: Publication 334: The Tax Guide for Small Business (for Individuals Who Use Schedule C) and Publication 583: Starting a Business and Keeping Records. Pub 334 is 53 pages and Pub 583 is 27 pages, so you'll get plenty of information at a bargain-basement price. After checking out the resources applicable to your particular entity, you can return to the Small Business and Self-Employed Tax Center and find dozens of other useful articles, updates and publications. Be sure to check out the Online Learning and Educational Products link. Here you'll find both audio and video presentations by IRS staff on a number of small business tax topics. Take advantage of these free tools and benefit from your tax dollars at work. For the small business owner who prefers not to spend a dime on tax advice, the IRS website is a great place to start. Wayne M. Davies is author of 3 ebooks on small business tax retudction strategies. For a free copy of his Special Report "How To Instantly Double Your Deductions", visit Article Source:

The Six Sigma Process - What is it?

by Peter Peterka1 Sigma, the word which forms the core of this process is derived from the Greek alphabet and is used to represent the standard deviation of a statistical population. The term Six Sigma process arrives from the belief that if one has six standard deviations between the standard specification limit and the mean, there will be a few or no item that fails to meet the specifications. This study is based on the calculation model which is used in a process capability study where the number of standard deviations that occur between the mean and the nearest specification is in sigma units. What happens here is that once the process standard deviation rises, fewer standard deviations will find its place between the nearest specification limit and the mean, which in turn will decrease the sigma number. It has been studied that processes do not perform in the long run, thus, the number of sigmas that fit between the processes mean and the nearest specification limit might drop over time. It is to cater to this real-life increase in variation over time that an empirically based 1.5 sigma shift was introduced in the six sigma calculation. It is from this idea that the process that fits the process mean and the nearest specification limit in a short-term study will in the long run fit 4.5 sigmas. This study finally gives rise to the widely accepted definition of the Six Sigma process, which produces 3.4 defective parts out of per million opportunities. To sum up, we can say that the Six Sigma process corresponds to 4.5 sigmas, which is namely 6 sigmas minus the 1.5 sigma shift which is introduced in order to account for the long-term variation. Basically the Six Sigma process is very specific as it uses clearly defined steps and methodologies. In this process, a problem is defined and then the Six Sigma team takes steps to find a solution that will result in monetary gain. Projects that form the core of the Six Sigma process involves data, measurements and decisions based on fact. The Six Sigma process involves five steps that are enumerated below. - Define: In this stage, the problem is specified in very clear terms. It is very important to find the root cause at this stage so that steps can be taken to measure that it has improved. - Measure: Data that covers a wide of issues is collected at this stage. For e.g., in the case of manufacturing, this data could cover the measurements of a specific product, such as its height, weight, diameter or other attributes. To ensure that there is enough information for statistical validity it is important to collect data from multiple samples. - Analyze: This stage is used for the statistical and scientific analysis of data, which is then presented in the form of graphs and charts. In most organizations, software is used to create these graphs. - Improvement: In this stage it is time to make improvements based on the information that has been gathered. This improvement could range from something really small to something more complex. - Control: This is the stage when new improvements are included into the methods a business uses to ensure that it is meeting certain requirements. Peter Peterka is the President of For information on Six Sigma, Six Sigma Yellow Belt or Six Sigma White Belt programs contact Peter Peterka. Article Source:

Primary Types of Search Engines and Directories

by Roger Glass

Key to improving your Web site’s rank in the different search engines is understanding the basic criteria by which searchengines index and then retrieve documents. Before you go and submit or re-submit your Web site to each search engine,we want you to have the tools and information to maximize your results. For our purposes there are two primary kinds of search services: 1. search engines: These use “spiders” to index Web sites. You submit your page to a search engine and the “spider”will index your entire site. Theoretically these "spiders" might find your site by accident, but odds are they will notunless you go to them and tell them about your site by filling out their "submit" page. Examples are AltaVista, Excite,Lycos, and others. 2. Directories: These rely on submissions from users and Web site owners to populate their indexes. Most directoriesadd your site to their index, but generally they link only to your home page rather than indexing the full text of eachpage on your site. Examples are Yahoo!, Linkstar, and WWW Yellow Pages. GOLDEN RULE OF SEARCH ENGINE MARKETINGTo Achieve A Top Position In A Particular search engine, Analyze What Other High Ranking Web Pages Have Done!”If there is one rule that should be referred back to as the refrain in search engine positioning, it is this: The best way to move up the search result list is to learn what kind of things affect your rankings and then analyze the pages of those who ranked higher than you did (those Web sites that ranked in the Top 10) for real clues on how you can achieve that high ranking, too. Search engines change their ranking algorithm from time to time. A page in your Web site that earned a top ranking last week might drop in the rankings just a few months later – and then, left untouched, that same page could climb right back into its old search position a while later, although this is less likely to happen by chance. The trick to always being on top is to learn the variables that can be influenced and analyze the contents of the top Web sites to see what they’re doing better than you. (Refer to the detailed report in WebPosition for an easy reference). Literally click on their listings, visit their site and select “view” from the pull-down menu in Netscape and then the “Document Source” selection on that menu. You can do the same in Microsoft Explorer. This allows you to view the actual HTML code that makes up their page. Ask yourself, “is a particular keyword more prominent in their title tag than in mine?” (i.e., is the keyword placed at the beginning of the title or perhaps repeated more times?) And, “is a particular keyword more prominent (is the important keyword the first second, or third word in their site’s title or META tags?) or repeated more often in their description META tag or in the actual copy that makes up their page than on my Web site?” Perhaps they are using the keyword in the heading tags, or keywords appear in hyperlinks to other internal pages or some other way that you had not considered or are not using. This is the proven way to isolate the variables and climb ahead of other sites in search engines.

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Top Internet Business Ventures

by nazir

Making money through the internet is very popular nowadays. Many people and businesses are getting involved in online businesses, and traditional High Street firms are also trading online, exploiting the opportunity to expand. Ordinary people, for whom running a business would have normally been beyond them, are now able to benefit from this and start up a home business with the minimum of experience. What’s even better is that you can earn money without having to leave your home. But aside from the advantages of doing business on the internet, an online venture also has its disadvantages. One problem with a new online business is that there is no guarantee that you will make money. A lot of people believe everything they read and expect that they will earn a lot of money, but they may end up making much less than they expected. In fact some even find that their business is costing them more than they are earning: websites have to be maintained, and the software needed to keep up with your competition can be expensive. The competition in an internet business is strong, because there are thousands of people like you that are also trying to make money online. But despite these disadvantages, there are still a lot of people making the attempt, and if you are thinking that you want to be one of them, here are some suggestions. Website Marketing E-commerce is a popular trend that is used by various companies and businesses nowadays. You can sell your products or offer your services on the internet through your own website. The downside of having your own website is that it can be quite expensive because it requires constant maintenance; this is more suitable for bigger companies that can afford the expenses involved. However, many individual internet marketers operate websites as individual businesses that can make them a significant income. Online Markets and Auction Sites Another popular way of selling on the internet is through online marketplaces such as eBay and Amazon, and other websites that allow you to sell your products without needing a website. Anyone can sell their products or their own goods through these websites, which offer a cheaper outlet for their goods that maintaining their own websites and staff. This is more popular to small businesses and new entrepreneurs who are engaging in online selling although larger companies also make use of online marketplaces to expand their businesses. Internet Research Money can also be made through internet research businesses. You can carry out research for law firms, corporations, and small and large companies. You need to possess specific research skills to do this, but there is a definite market willing to pay for your research skills. You will need a good web presence in order to persuade companies to trust you enough to employ your services, and it is doubtful if you will be successful without a website. Securing partnerships with other companies, operating professional looking websites and using the power of search engines can all help you to secure research projects. Affiliate Marketing Internet affiliate marketing is another good way to earn money. With this you make money through commissions when your promotion of other people’s products ends in sales. You require web marketing skills in order to be successful in this field, but many people make hundreds of thousands annually. You need to attract a large number of visitors to your website for that level of success, but it is also possible to make money in affiliate marketing without needing a website. Freelancing You can freelance just about any skill online, and there are sites that offer marketing services for freelancers in any field. This means providing different services to people, companies, and businesses. The concept is similar to outsourcing, where business processes are carried out by someone else to cut costs. Freelance services include programming, designing, copywriting, photography, illustration, researching, and many more. The income from these services may vary, and can be based on an hourly rate or per service or output, which depend on the terms of the person offering the work. Recruiting Another way to make money on the internet is through recruiting services. These websites gather or invite people seeking employment to register and create a profile or account with them. The service is free. They let you upload your resume containing the same information that you normally provide when you are applying for a job. Once they have a pool of candidates, they send the details of these candidates to companies seeking employees. The recruitment websites also allow companies to register at their sites for a certain fee. Companies can advertise the vacant positions in their companies through the websites. From there, applicants can apply online. Then, when a hire is made, companies will pay for the recruitment service. Consulting Consultancy services can also be offered on the internet. They offer knowledge-based services to companies, investors, corporations, businesses, etc. You can make some money by providing companies with the information and services they need. They are the knowledge-based equivalent of service-based freelancers. These are only some of the possible ways to earn money through the internet. Some people may do this as a full-time job, while others may just do it as part-time work. There are also people who make use of the internet to expand their current businesses. All of these examples exemplify the range opportunities available online to those with the will and capability to succeed, and if you believe that to describe you then open up your laptop, get online and start making money.

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Tips For Formatting your E-book in word & converting it into a PDF File

by Risna Jajoriya

The basic format for your Ebook is time to move on to the finer details. Here are some more information for formatting your Ebook in Word and converting it into a PDF file. Ebooks often include photos, pictures, charts, and other illustrations. However it's significant to realize that since image contribute to a larger file size, some Ebook publishers only accept text submissions. There is more than one way to add illustrations to your Ebook, but one method is to use a scanner and then convert the pictures to .gif or .jpeg files. You can then format the photos any way you like using software such as Photoshop or the GIMP. You can't really add illustrations directly into Word (you can, but it's a nuisance) so if you plan to create an Ebook with a lot of pictures, it's a better idea to use a desktop publishing program. Always leave enough of a margin between the illustration and the text, and add captions when necessary. This includes the title page, a copyright page, acknowledgements, and a table of contents. To put together the copyright page, take a look at the copyright page of a print book and use the same formatting and information, using your own name and book title, of course. Leave out unnecessary items, such as the Library of Congress information. The only time you'll need an ISBN number is if you're going to sell electronic copies of the book on disk at a later date. The table of contents is easy; Word automatically generates a table of contents when you use Headings formats for the chapter titles and subheads. With an Ebook it's better to label the first page as Page 1, even if it's the title page. Print books don't follow this format, but it works well for Ebooks. Back matter refers to all the information you opt to include at the end of the Ebook, such as an index, bio, and contact information. Here you can also advertise other books you're selling. Time for Acrobat Now that you have everything formatted in Word; it's time to convert the file to PDF format. This is very simple to do. Simply use the Print command in Word and choose Save as File under the General pull-down menu. Select Acrobat PDF as the file type and choose the Destination as File. Click the Print button and that's it! Your file is now a PDF, and can be read in Adobe Acrobat. Or, you can visit the Adobe website and convert the Ebook for free online. If you own a full version of Acrobat, there are more options to play around with. For instance, the full program allows you to hotlink all the URLs in the e-book underline links or make them a different colour so that they'll stick out and your readers won't miss them. There's no point in creating hotlinks in the original Word document, as they will disappear during the conversion process at least.

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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Home Page Business A Private Limited Company Advantages

Author: Terry Cartwright

A private limited company advantages include: 1. Limitation of Liability There is no distinction between business money and personal money for anyone self employed as all business debts are the personal responsibility of the sole trader. The private limited company advantages are that the company is a separate corporate body and liability for payment of debts stops with the pvt ltd company, the owners, shareholders are not personally liable. The directors are only liable if they continue to trade and incur liabilities after it becomes apparent the ltd company is insolvent. 2. Lower Taxes Lower corporation tax offered a private limited company advantages over self employment in recent years. The £10,000 tax free limit was cancelled several years ago. Corporation tax rates have increased from 20 per cent to 22 per cent in recent years compared with the sole trader basic rate tax which was reduced from 22 per cent to 20 per cent in 2008. Incorporation still has tax saving advantages dependent upon the net taxable profit. The private limited company advantages come from the flexibility of being able to determine the proportions of salary and dividends taken compared with a sole trader whose basic accounts are subject to tax at fixed tax rates and thresholds. A sole trader receives a £6,035 personal allowance and pays basic rate tax of 20 per cent on the next £34,800 of earnings up to the higher threshold limit and 40 per cent tax thereafter. Class 4 national insurance is 8 per cent of earnings up to the upper primary threshold and 1 per cent thereafter. Dividends are taxed at 10 per cent on total income up to the higher threshold and 32.5 per cent above. The dividend is a distribution of company profit after corporation tax has been deducted and so the shareholder also receives a dividend tax credit from the pvt ltd company of 10 per cent. There are significant private limited company advantages regarding tax liability compared to a sole trader where net income is below the upper earnings threshold. For example assuming the limited company net profit before salary is £35,000. A sole trader would pay income tax of £5,793 plus national insurance of £2,317.20, a total of £8,107.20. If a salary of £6.035 is taken and the rest is taken in dividends a private limited company would pay £6,372.30 corporation tax, after deducting the salary from net taxable profit and the sole trader now the shareholder would pay no income tax. The advantages increase where net taxable profit is above the self employment upper earnings limit as money can be left in the business and therefore only subject to the 22 per cent corporation tax rate thereby avoiding the sole trader 40 per cent tax rate. Another possibility is to distribute the shares among family members to reduce the risk of 40 per cent tax. 3. Limited Company accounts and Sole Trader basic accounts Sole trader basic accounts can be quite simple as a formal accounting system is not required and can be reduced to simple lists of income and expenditure supported by documentary evidence of sales and purchase invoices, effectively single entry bookkeeping. Producing a balance sheet is optional. Due to the simplicity then an accountant may not be required saving a significant cost. Ltd company accounts have to use double entry bookkeeping to produce the year end accounts including a balance sheet with statutory notes and statements. Unless accounting software is employed to produce the company accounts in this format then accounting knowledge is required and an accountants fee may well be in the region of £500 to £1,000. An accountant is not essential for a small pvt ltd company but is the normal approach and offsets some of the tax advantages. 4. Additional financial considerations Because a director is also officially an employee of the pvt ltd company this gives rise to a number of considerations in determining the extent of a private limited company advantages. Pension contributions of a sole trader are personal and while may be deducted from the personal income liability do not form part of the basic accounts. The cost of a pension scheme including the company contribution is a deductible business expense as an employee cost. Using a car for business purposes may have an impact. The sole trader basic accounts would include the business proportion of the vehicle running costs or the mileage allowance. If that vehicle is used by a director then that director is receiving a taxable benefit potentially resulting in a higher tax burden depending upon the type of vehicle as taxable benefits vary. An alternative may be to leave the company vehicle privately owned and the director claim mileage allowances rather than vehicle running costs. Potentially small issues but there differences in the accounting treatment of deductible expenses such as charitable donations, entertaining expenses and use of home as office. A private limited company advantages consist of being able to claim such expenses as valid business expenses which would not be claimable in the sole trader basic accounts as treated as personal not business. If the director and main shareholder have other associated companies then the corporation basic tax rate could be affected. 5. Administration, management and business standing A sole trader basically pleases themselves with regard to the administration and management of the business. A company director is responsible for adhering to company administration according to statutory regulations in regard to both the limited company accounts, statutory books and management as stated in the articles of association. The duties of a director are more formal than a sole trader. Forming a private limited company is an indication that a business is both serious, has a long term objective and is correctly managed. This psychological perception can increase the business standing of a business. Funding requirements are more likely to be met as the lender to a sole trader has to consider the absence of a balance sheet statement in the basic accounts and the financial influences personally affecting the sole trader. A private limited company advantages concern the published financial statements, protection of the financial position from personal influences and the option of increasing security by virtue of asking directors to provide additional personal guarantees. A private limited company advantages over self employment also extends to long term finance. Companies retain more funds within the business to meet future financial commitments which promote business growth, a more sustainable business and medium term profits growth over a sole trader.

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About the Author:

DIY Accounting information on a private limited company advantages is designed to assist the important decision. In addition to company formation service DIY Accounting design tax accounting software for sole trader basic accounts for all self employed business and limited company accounts that produce automated tax returns.

Instant High Paying Jobs for Teens

Author: Will Knight

So you have a teen on the hunt for a half decent job but what are their options these days. Everyone is telling them to baby sit or get a paper delivery job but both are time consuming and pay third world country rates when it comes to money in their pocket. It is even harder trying to land a job position that has been advertised somewhere as employers receive hundreds and hundreds of applications when advertising in the current job market. A recent study showed that it is now taking the average person 4 - 7 months to find employment and they expect that figure to lengthen. So what can I do you say, well thanks to modern technology all this is about to change. The days of searching endlessly for employment are fast coming to an end as the internet slowly takes over and starts filling this increasing need in the teen job market. When it comes to jobs for teens it is now possible for them to land their dream job in under ten minutes no matter who they are. When they take a job online there are no lengthy, intimidating interviews to go through and their application is always accepted no matter where you live or what qualifications they may or may not have. When you compare this to the difficulty of applying for and getting a normal advertised job it is no wonder that thousands of teens are switching to paid online jobs. Paid online work beats traditional jobs hands down every time. Online jobs these days mostly consist of completing online survey's as these are generally higher paying when it comes to the types of work you can do online and they make fantastic jobs for teens. Most of these places are free to join and once they have signed up they can then start taking surveys and get very well paid for it. Most teens that are doing these surveys are earning at least $10 for a twelve minute survey with the money getting transferred to their account on completion. The surveys themselves are extremely easy to complete and there is an unlimited number of different types of surveys that can be taken. There are no set times that they have to work, teens can quickly and easily work at their own pace as often or as little as they like each week, it's up to them. By just taking 3 surveys per day, 5 days per week, a teen is capable of earning $150.00 per week. Just try finding a job anywhere else that pay's as well as this that will hire them instantly. Which survey companies they end up joining makes a huge difference to how much money they make. Pick the wrong ones and they could end up working for $2 - $5 per hour and getting very frustrated. Out of all the "Free To Join" paid survey sites online today there are only a small list of survey companies that have the genuine higher paying surveys available on a daily basis. Joining all of these top 7 companies ensures that they have and endless supply of high paying surveys to take every day when they log in. So the choice is up to them, with the state of the current job market are they going to keep slogging it out looking for a position like everyone else or get hired instantly today and earn more money than they ever thought possible as a teenager.

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About the Author:

At my website Instant Jobs For Teens which has been set up especially for these teen job opportunities there is a free list of the very best “Free To Join” survey companies online today. You can expect to start earning instantly and begin getting the things you want in life. When it comes to Instant Jobs For Teens these places are simply the best employers you will ever have.

Job Opportunities in Dubai

Author: Stephen Davis

Dubai is located in the United Arab Emirates and is not only one of the world's fastest growing cities, but is also an epicenter for employment and new job opportunities. It is estimated that around 30 new companies are established in this burgeoning city every week; and this has been the case since late 2002. But why is Dubai such an attractive city to live and work in? The short answer Dubai is tax free. If you live and work in the area you are paid your gross wage with no tax deducted from this amount. Why? Unbelievably, direct personal taxation is against the law, meaning any income you make is 100% yours. If you are looking in the fields of tourism, IT, media or finance, and are qualified in your area, there is an abundance of job opportunities waiting to be snapped up. Every year, thousands of international people are making the move to Dubai to become part of the workforce and make some real, tax-free money. Likewise, if you are looking to establish your own business in the Emirate, the government offers numerous incentives to overseas business to take up in the free trade zones. There are currently 15 free trade zones, with 7 more planned for the coming months and years. These zones allow for foreign businesses to establish themselves and grow without corporate taxes and without a shareholding structure. You will quickly realize why there is an abundance of job opportunities in Dubai. In order to work in Dubai, you will be required to hold a work permit and residency visa. Most employers will arrange for these details to be sorted for their employees once they are appointed to their position within the company. On the other hand, if you are planning a holiday to Dubai, you will be issued with a temporary visa (depending on the country you are from), and you can use this opportunity to scout around and look for job opportunities. Once you have done this, the process of applying for a work permit and visa is fairly straight forward. A notable difference in Dubai is the working hours, which you will quickly become used to. Many businesses close for a few hours each afternoon and Friday tends to be a day when no meetings are held. Dubai, as a city, is unbelievable. The living standard for expatriates is wonderful, as is the fast-paced social life many of these people enjoy. Prepare to play and work hard, and enjoy the many wonders Dubai has to offer from indoor skiing, to playing golf, or taking a 4wd safari in the desert Dubai has it all. You will never feel alone in Dubai. The majority of the current population is made up of expatriates and you will have no problem meeting acquaintances and new friends almost immediately. The multi cultural environment allows for numerous social clubs and events to encourage new people to meet. All of this helps new residents ease into their new life in Dubai. To learn more, visit the Dubai Hotels and Dubai Jobs Website - a resource for job opportunities, news and information relating to Dubai.

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About the Author:

Stephen Davis is an IT professional and operates the Dubai Hotels and Dubai Jobs Website - a resource for job opportunities, news and information relating to Dubai.

Letter Writing: Write Formal & Informal Letters & Notes

Author: Eren

HOW TO WRITE A LETTER: WRITING PERSONAL & OFFICIAL LETERS & NOTES FOR ALL OCCASIONS (Based on author’s site Writing letters make popular. Letter writing ability is easily acquirable. Knowing how to write letters for all occasions is useful. Writing letters is not difficult. It is easy to learn how to write letters. This is on how to write formal letters, social letters, notes, what to say in private letter writing -writing personal letters. Writing letters communicate best. Letter writing is joy to loved ones apart. Telephone calls are never enough. They like also to receive, write letters. Personal letters can be re-read. People in love write letters. Writing letters is dreamy. Boys who write letters are popular. Girls love receiving letters. Writing letters get one remembered when not together or telephoning. Family members away like to also to receive, write letters. Friends away like to receive, write letters. Pen friends write letters. Letter writing is communication, essential literacy –and it’s fun. One writing letters can take one's time to think of all the things that one can not remember when together or telephoning to say. In business writing letters clarify. Personal letters are keepsakes. Some things are said easier by writing letters, some better by not writing letters but notes. Writing letters are pleasing, effective. Notes can be nice. Here is how to write a letter, personal letters. Letter writing, whether by post, fax, or e-mail falls into three categories. In each letter writing category the approach is different. How to write a letter depends on why one is writing a letter. … Personal letters are often letters to family members, boyfriends or girlfriends, friends or pen friends -often friendly letters. … Semiformal letters are often routine letters to e.g., order or return goods, instruct on delivery, or to confirm or request information -acquaintances also sometimes write letters semi-formally. … Formal letters are often non-routine. Writing a letter formally implies officialdom -most seldom write letters formally. Letter writing scares many people. Many don't know how to write a letter or note. The following all there is to writing letters. >>> Writing Personal Letters To write letters to loved ones, friends away please. They like news about you, personal letters –especially if you write letters interestingly. Write letters cheerfully. Write a letter to cheer up. When you write a letter appreciate, praise, credit them. Write letters as if who you are writing a letter to is there, you are talking: "Oh, this tea's cold! Anyway, I decided to write a letter..." In writing personal letters, how intimately you write a letter depends on what is acceptable to who you are writing the letter. Unless you know it’s all right, don’t e-mail, fax or post loved ones or friends personal letters at a workplace; it may embarrass, cause problems if others see your letter. Privately communicate letters. Letter writing is easiest when one is writing personal letters. If you can't think of much to write in your letter other than "Hi!" or "I'm well..." and "How are you?" (which always pleases), don't postpone writing your letter. A glance at a newspaper will show interesting things to write in your letter. When you write a letter do gossip -it's liked in personal letters. Remember this when writing personal letters. Be interesting when you to write a letter. In letter writing it matters: include a joke or two in personal letters. Loving or funny verses please in personal letters. When you write a letter remember: in personal letters a picture of you delights. In writing letters, if appropriate, drawing a flower, heart, kiss makes personal letters loved. Write letters that ask opinions of persons you write personal letters to, even if it's only "Good, huh?" or "Nice, don't you think?" Such letter writing makes you interesting, popular with those you write personal letters to. >>> Writing Semiformal Letters and Formal Letters In writing a letter keep to the point. Letters in these categories are often short letters about personal dealings with businesses, e.g., to instruct a bank to make or cancel a regular payment, or query a return, refund, or a job. They may be long, detailed letters but still simple, easy to write letters. When you write a letter keep a copy. >> Letters received can be, e.g., asking you to confirm something. When writing a letter replying to such letters write your contact details at the top right corner of the letter, their address at the top left corner of the letter; add the date, and their letter's reference. In your letter address them as they have you. Begin the letter by stating their letter's date, e.g., "Thank you for your letter of …." Continue the letter, in a new paragraph. Be brief, simple, e.g., "This is to confirm that …" End your letter as ended their letter. >> Letters sent to businesses to complain, request information, apply. In writing a letter to a business, address, date your letter, state their reference as above. If you know the name of the person you are writing a letter to, begin "Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss./Ms. …" If not, in your letter address the reader as "Dear Sir/Madam" or "Dear Sirs." Ensure to state under it their order/invoice number. Keep your letter simple. When writing business letters, if began 'Dear Mr. ...', end "Yours sincerely"; if 'Dear Sir', "Yours faithfully." > Letters of complaint are important. Before writing a letter of complaint, if annoyed, cool off -make tea, telephone friends. You are writing a letter to get a desired response -you are less likely to if you write an angry letter. Businesses in writing letters like to appear fair -business letters try, when you write a letter politely. When you write letters of complaint say what is wanted clearly, simply, e.g., "I have not yet received a refund for … I enclose a copy of the returns-note/receipt. I look forward to hearing from you." Add any enclosures to the letter of complaint. Keep copies. > Letters requesting information can be personal letters but must be clear. Write a letter simply ask for the information want. In writing letters requesting information on subjects you don't know much about, it helps to end your letter "… and any other details you may deem useful'. Writing letters so brings more information. > Letters of application for a job or a grant should have wider margins for reader-notes, and bear in mind any closing dates. When you write a letter of application briefly emphasize how you meet the criteria. Say 'available for interview', and do print your name. >> Letters to officials may need to be long, detailed; but writing letters that are so is easy. You may have to write letters arguing with business or official letters received; or to explain, detail, enclose documents; or write a letter to summon a politician's aid. Writing letters that are official does not require high literacy. Not high literacy but method involves writing letters that are official. When you write a letter to deal with letters requesting specific details and documents, in your letter simply respond in the order they are listed. Where business letters or other official letters request details generally, or if you are initiating correspondence by a writing a letter, first draft your letter -it helps in writing a letter. Letters are easily, best drafted thus: For your letter's rough copy use lined paper. Draft your letter in pencil, leaving every other line blank. Jot down and number the points you will raise in the letter. Then stop working on your letter. Take a break from writing your letter; do something unrelated to writing a letter. You want to write a letter to make those points. Let your mind 'digest' the points you will raise in your letter. Later look at your letter again, put other points that occur to you on the blank lines. Re-number the points of your letter as you think logical. But don't hurry up to write a letter, yet. Sleep on it. Then look at the draft letter, amend as necessary, write your letter. Begin your letter by stating clearly what you want. End the letter briefly, simply, clearly repeating what you want. When letter writing ends, enclose copies of any documents in the order of your letter's points -number, list them if they are many. How to write a letter that is complicated is that easy and simple -that makes seemingly difficult to write letters easy to write letters. >>> Writing Personal Notes Unlike writing letters, notes are informal -sometimes important. > Routine notes may not be important: "Your dinner's in the oven," or to the milkman: "Two bottles today, please." >> Social etiquette notes that are expected may be important. Many do not write letters to socially invite or let another know that one will attend a party, or to thank another. Instead of writing letters they write social notes -to acquaintances, or strangers. As in letter writing, notes cause impressions to be formed about one. These brief notes have the same tone as when writing letters informally, but must be courteous and polite. In inviting someone, one example is: "Hi, Nancy.. I'm having my birthday party, on ....., and it'd be so nice if you too could come. Love, Jenny." Another example is: "Dear Mr. & Mrs. ... we are having a house-warming party on ..... and we would love to have you too. Yours, Jo & Joe." In accepting an invitation one example is: "How nice! See you then! Jenny." Another example is: "So kind of you to invite us too -we will both be delighted to attend. Yours, Eric." If you are courteous, polite, recipients will mention you favourably when they write letters, will speak well of you in your social circles. >> Sympathy notes must be written carefully. These are e.g., get-well notes, sometimes on cards; or, to express condolences to someone who is in mourning -when most do not write a letter but a note. > A get well note or card, whether to a close relative away and you also write a letter, or on its own, is always more appreciated if one adds a personal touch to it. For example, if to a friend and it is not serious, "Don't take your time about getting well -we haven't finished our chess game yet…"; if to a friend, and it is serious, "I'll pray for your speedy recovery." An example, if it is to someone you hardly know and are sending it as the done-thing in your social or business circles, is: "I will look forward to hearing of your recovery from mutual friends and colleagues." >In bereavement cases never try to cheer up in a sympathy note with a joke; however well meant, in one's grief it may be deemed unfeeling, inappropriate!.. Leave the comforting to the mourner's loved ones from whom more than a sympathy note is considered appropriate! Be, or appear, sincerely saddened by the loss. Clearly state so: "I am saddened by the news of ...'s death." Say: "I am so sorry to hear of your loss." Show so by emphasizing it, e.g., "… he/she will be greatly missed." Unless a loved one writing a letter too, if you don't attempt to comfort, it will be appreciated. >> Notes to loved ones matter most. On an anniversary or birthday greeting never be satisfied with what's on the greeting card. Even if to a loved one away and accompanied by a loving letter, always personalize the card with a few words of your own, e.g., "Miss you!" or "Love you!" or "Take care."

The feelings of parents are -from a poem by the Cypriot thinker writer poet teacher the late Orhan Seyfi Ari:

"With us he was, in our nest, only yesterday... How quickly has he grown wings, like a bird, flown away!"

As in personal letters, it shows that you are not greeting as the done thing -that you care. Anyone can write a letter. Family/friends away appreciate letters. The author has a website at:

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The author's favourite site is: Teacher of Teachers

Free Sample Sales Letter: Example of How to Write a Persuasive Business Marketing Letter

Author: Alan Sharpe

Here is an example of a business-to-business sales letter mailed to auto dealers by a firm that markets gift cards that replace paper gift certificates. Anything in brackets [like this] did not appear in the letter but simply appears to describe the mechanics of the letter

Author: Alan Sharpe

Target audience: General managers of auto dealerships

Mailer: Sharpe AutoCards [a fictional company for the purposes of this sample letter]

Purpose: Generate appointments for salespeople


[Is 5 x 9 inches in dimension and has a window, through which appears a portion of a gift card, personalized with the prospect's name. The envelope has a teaser headline: Inside: A win-win-lose proposition for your auto dealership.]


[Is 8 1/2 x 11 inches, copy on both sides]

December 27, 2007

Brad Carling, General Manager

Tri-City Chev-Olds

123 Any Street

Anytown OH 12345-9163

[Right here, beneath the prospect's name, is affixed to the letter a sample auto gift card, personalized with the prospect's name, and this headline: As you can see, this card has success written all over it.]

Dear Mr. Carling:

Go ahead, pull this amazing little card off the paper.

It's made of plastic. It costs you $2 to buy. But it's worth the price of a new car, sold off your lot. This card is worth the lifetime value of a loyal customer. In sales, service, parts, accessories and referrals. And goodwill. And free word-of-mouth advertising.

Hold it in you hand for a minute, and think of your competition. Consider your revenue goals for the next quarter. Do you need to increase your new and used vehicle sales? Boost your parts & service department revenue? Multiply your accessories department revenue? Retain customers after their warranty runs out?

This card will help. Big time. It's a vital part of Sharpe AutoCards, a custom-branded loyalty and gift card program that generates revenue for your dealership. But first, how it works.

Take a look at the front of your card. As you can see, you customize the card to match your dealership's brand image and visual identity. Now turn it over. See that magnetic stripe across the back? It stores information about the card's dollar value and each transaction.

You hand cards like this to everyone whose business you want to attract and whose loyalty you must keep. Walk ins. Be Backs. Looky-Lous. Current customers. Even former customers. They all use the card to buy products and services at your auto dealership only.

You manage the program using a simple card reader hooked to a personal computer at your dealership running our software. For an average auto dealership, the start-up cost of buying the system and operating it for one year is less than $2 per car sold that year.

That's what the card does. Here's what it does for you.

Please read the brochure I've enclosed for the compelling specifics. You use the Sharpe AutoCards card to:

1. Close more sales by beating competitors' discounts

2. Boost your service department revenue and repeat business

3. Multiply your accessories department revenue

4. Retain customers for years after the sale

5. Attract potential customers and increase traffic in your showroom

6. Increase referral business

7. Increase revenue on the back end

8. Promote brand awareness of your dealership

The Sharpe AutoCards system is up to five times less expensive than competing offerings. Plus, you pay no transaction fees and you don't have to buy any annual maintenance contracts. I call that a win-win-lose proposition for you, your customers and your competitors.

Use your card today to receive free coffee and donuts for four.

The gift card you are holding in your hand has been pre-loaded with $10 worth of coffee and donuts. Get a first-hand demonstration of how the card works by inviting me to your showroom for a complimentary consultation about the Sharpe AutoCards system. Hand me your gift card, I'll swipe it, process your transaction, and hand over your free coffee and donuts. Like the gift cards you'll use one day, this one can only be redeemed at the place of business on the card, which is to say, Tri-City Chev-Olds.

When is a good time for us to get together for coffee and a chat at your showroom? Call me at 123 456-7891 today and let's set up an appointment.

Yours sincerely,

[signature in blue ink]

Brad K Phillips, Director, Sales

Sharpe AutoCards

© 2005 Sharpe Copy Inc. You may reprint this article online and in print provided the links remain live and the content remains unaltered (including the "About the author" message).

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Free to Air Receiver and Files

Author: Jeff Herder

In today’s world, each day brings new inventions and advancements and it would be impossible to keep up with it all. But, with times constantly changing, we have to do our best to keep up with them. One of the latest trends that everyone should know more about is FTAs, free to air satellite receivers and files. An FTA receiver is a satellite receiver, which is well equipped to receive the unencrypted FTA satellite transmissions. An FTA satellite receiver is able to decode the MPEG-2 data compression protocol used in most of the FTA satellite transmissions. An FTA receiver will not be able to decode the Dish Network or DirecTV satellite signaling. SOME OF THE TOP FTA RECEIVERS AVAILABLE IN THE MARKET: Like: Cool sat 8000 HD, SonicView 8000HD, and Viewsat HD 8000. Coolsat 8000 HD will allow you to capture and get all of the free-to-air channels in HD. Coolsat 8000 HD also uses brand new updated standards that provide the clearest picture for all HD and non HD TVs. Coolsat 8000HD uses the 200mhz STI CPU that allows it to have quick channel change fast on screen channel guide display and a brand new box design. Coolsat 8000HD is also backed with a full 2 year warranty that covers all parts and labor. SonicView 8000 HD is a brand new free to air satellite receiver by SonicView. This free-to-air satellite receiver can capture about 20 satellites and 700 channels. SonicView 8000HD has a very sharp NIM video tuner that provides HD 1080I picture. SonicView 8000HD is designed for advanced users who like to spend lots of time on their free to air receivers. The Viewsat HD 8000 free to air satellite receiver that has been specially designed to connect to HD satellites and pick up over the air HD channels for no service fee or cost, all in high definition. Viewsat HD will be coming out shortly but as of now no official specs are out. Receiver Files Support: Many companies do provide you with all the free to air BIN Files, latest keys, Free to air Receiver loaders, instructions, video-tutorials, and technical free to air File Support. The support provided the manufactures of Free to air receivers would teach you step by step how to use your free to air Receiver. Right from pointing your Free-To-Satellite Dish to programming free to air Receiver the support will always be provided by the manufacturers and dealers alike.

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My FTA Support FTA Keys and FTA Forum. FTA Receivers and FTA File Support for Pansat, Viewsat, Coolsat, and MORE.

Friday, February 27, 2009

All You Need To Know About The Employer Identification Number

by akhil shahani The days of business planning, incorporation and start-up pains are over. Everything is set for you to start off your new business. Just when you think all the paperwork is done, the Employer Identification Number stares you in the face. What is it? Well, you know that any business entity is required to file tax returns every year. Will your Social Security number suffice for that? Not quite. Unless you are the only person working in the business, you need to get an identification number for your enterprise. This is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to business entities operating in the United States for the purposes of identification. When the number is used only for identification, it is usually referred to as Tax Identification Number (TIN) and when used for the purposes of reporting employment taxes, it is known as Employer Identification Number (EIN). So, it’s clear that all new businesses need to obtain an EIN. The only exception is for sole proprietorships which do not have any other employees. However, it is a good idea even for sole proprietors to obtain an EIN, so that they can use it instead of their personal Social Security number on bank accounts and legal paperwork. Confused? We’ll make it easier for you. You need an EIN: 1. When you have employees in your company 2. When you purchase an ongoing business 3. When you change your organization type - for example from a sole proprietorship to partnership or corporation 4. When want to hold different accounts in your bank and use EINs for your business and Social Security number for your personal accounts 5. When you have a qualified retirement plan 6. When you file any of these tax returns: o employment o excise o alcohol, tobacco and firearms The EIN is specific to a particular business and you cannot transfer it if you sell or otherwise divest your company. It is very much like your Social Security number which is specific to each individual, and is usually written in the form 00-0000000. To obtain an EIN for your company, you have to file Form SS-4, which is the prescribed application format, with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The forms are available at all IRS and Social Security offices. You can apply for it over phone, fax, mail or online. There is no application fee but the form can take several weeks to process depending on how you ask for it. You may also have to apply for a state EIN in states that charge their own income tax. If you do not have your EIN by the time a return is due, write "Applied for" and the date of the application in the space shown for the number. Do not use your social security number in place of your EIN. With that out of the way, you are truly set to be in business! Hi, I'm Akhil Shahani, a serial entrepreneur who wants to help you succeed. If you like to work smart, check out . It's full of articles and resources to help you start and grow your business successfully. Please visit us & download our special "Freebie of The Month" at Article Source:

Want to Find and Contact Recruiters? Try These 5 Techniques

by Laura SmithProulx If you're conducting an active job hunt, you're probably aware that working with a recruiter can be an effective method for your search. However, finding a recruiter that specializes in your field can be a daunting prospect. Where should you look? How do you know what to expect? And what precisely should you be prepared to provide? Finding and effectively collaborating with recruiters is mostly a matter of sharpening your networking skills (which is a good idea during any phase of a job search!). Read on for some ways to expand your options and locate key professional recruiting contacts that may also be looking for YOUR expertise: 1 - Avail yourself of professional organizations in your industry. These associations can be a boon to the active job hunter, as they frequently offer job postings, member networking events, and other resources that can help you tap into unadvertised positions. Recruiters who source candidates from a particular industry will often attend professional association meetings. Where allowed, recruiters may introduce themselves with the idea to stay in touch, although most won't solicit members directly. If you don't attend association meetings, there's never been a better time to start. Perform an Internet search for organizations in your industry, and attend some of their events in order to familiarize yourself with potential new resources for your transitions. 2 - Consider automating part of your search. Recruiter distribution services abound on the Internet and elsewhere. What do they offer? For most, this is a combination of fast access to recruiters, plus ease of use. When evaluating different distribution services (such as ResumeRabbit, ResumeMachine, Resume Zapper, and ResumePromotion), be sure to compare distribution coverage (as in the number of major metropolitan areas), plus the number of recruiters that the service claims to have in their network. Two caveats should be mentioned in conjunction with resume distribution: first, not all recruiters appreciate receiving an emailed resume, and may not respond, and second, if your resume isn't a fit for current openings, you may not receive the same level of personal consideration had you contacted the recruiter personally. In addition, if you aren't a great candidate for the requirements of the market, distributing your resume to recruiters won't increase your chances of success. However, in terms of time savings, this type of mass distribution can definitely cut some corners. 3 - Use online social networks to find additional contacts. This method also allows you to view recruiter qualifications and specializations. For example, if you're concentrating on getting out of the mortgage industry, contacting a recruiter who works exclusively with technical sales professionals would not be a fit. Conversely, most recruiters who maintain profiles on LinkedIn or other social networking sites will delineate what they are looking for in a candidate, and this can save you some time. 4 - Build your own online profile to make it easy for recruiters to find YOU. If you don't already maintain your own LinkedIn profile, this is a great time to jump on board. Visit to build an online presence, add connections from your email address book, and start looking around to see what else is offered, including plenty of job postings and professional advice. 5 - Send a brief query that indicates your interest, and then follow up. After you've identified recruiters that specialize in your field, it's best to attach a resume for perusal, or point to your online profile to give the recruiter more information. Follow up with a phone call to gauge the level of interest and start building a relationship. I recommend sending out a short, pointed letter of inquiry, rather than a wordy description of your skills. Recruiters are by definition quite busy, and they'll appreciate your brevity. To summarize, finding recruiters takes the same type of activity that you would typically engage in for a job search. Be prepared, just as you would be to approach an employer, to review your goals in some detail and decide if there's a collaborative fit. A unique resume authority on executive and IT career search, with experience as a former corporate recruiter, Laura Smith-Proulx, CCMC, CPRW, CIC of An Expert Resume has attained a 98% success rate winning interviews. Visit An Expert Resume to get Laura's FREE E-Course, "The 7 Biggest Resume Mistakes That Can Keep You From Your Dream Job… and How to Avoid Them." Article Source:

The 3 Major Reasons why ALL Business Owners MUST GET a Business Coach

by Dominic Ashley Timms In times of economic difficulty, it is a brave man indeed that invests heavily for the future of the business - yet this is the one thing that has been consistently shown to be the key to longer-term survival. Acting against the herd (who are all pulling in their necks at this time), means that businesses that have carefully directed their investments and have strengthened the key attributes of their businesses, will be those that enjoy the most explosive growth when the economic shackles are loosened! Employing a Business Coach at a time when money is generally tight may seem like an indulgence. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth - if you are going to focus on ensuring your future business success, then where will you actually start? More importantly, will you actually start? A Business Coach can work with you to quickly assess where your efforts should best be directed in order to capitalise on your business strengths - remember, at difficult times, it is all too easy to become a busy fool, which for most of us means that we shall fail to capture the best from the inevitable upswing when it comes. At any time, practically every business suffers from one of the following issues - if any of these speak to you then perhaps it is time that you had a good long look at your likelihood of sustaining your business into the medium-term. 1. You have lost sight of where your business is going and why? We have all suffered this at times in our careers or within our businesses - our heads are down so much we forget to focus on the horizon. During these times, it is even more important to know exactly where you are going so that you can develop some more of the 'how am I going to get there!' As an 'outsider', a good Business Coach can see the wood for the trees. They are not blinded by industry preconceptions or your business' previous way of doing things - "we've always done it this way" is not in their vocabulary! They will ask you the difficult questions (that perhaps you have been avoiding yourself) and challenge you to take action. 2. Your business does not generate enough profit to justify your efforts. Then why, exactly, are you in business? If you want to continue doing what you have always done it should come as no surprise that you will always get the same results! This incidentally, is the definition of insanity...! A Business Coach will challenge your thinking and help you to get focused on taking the actions that will drive your business forward and grow your profits. This will involve a level of change (remember if you've always done the same thing...), so you need to be open to this for it to be successful. A level of commitment is also required if you are to change what has been and drive for growth. The results though could substantially increase your revenue and profits within only a few months of starting work with your Coach. 3. Because you are already good and recognise that it's going to take that bit extra to become Outstanding! What is it in each of us that leads us to believe that we should be able to make a success of our business all by ourselves? We aren't all born great entrepreneurs, and for most of us this means a lot of hard work. Let me tell you, I have been in the Personal Development field for over 20 years, and I still don't know it all! Seeking out coaching support is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength, a recognition that to be the best, we need external support to motivate us towards higher performance. In the same way that top sportsmen and women will always seek out the top coaches in their field in order to excel, you too need a Business Coach if you wish to excel in your business. Your Business Coach will motivate you to want to excel, will hold you accountable for your performance, will demand results from you pushing you forward, will cajole you (at times) but will also be there to congratulate you on a job well done! Next steps - taking Action This is one of those periods that will sort out the weak from the strong in business - those who have the strength of will to focus on what needs to be done to ensure their business success, and those that will hold their heads in their hands and bemoan what's happening all around them. Do yourself a favour, get yourself a Business Coach and get your business into shape. Dominic Ashley-Timms runs the UK's leading Business Coaching company;, representing the Top Business Coaches across the country. To find out the other reasons why you should work with a Business Coach click the link to download the full article from our website Article Source:

How To Become A Business Coach And Earn An Income

by John Baril When most people think about coaching, the first thing that comes to mind is a sports coach. These kinds of coaches normally teach their players about individual and team strategies. Business coaching is another coaching style which is in very high demand. There is a great money making opportunity in this area. Many business people in order to become more successful will happily pay someone like yourself for coaching services. Keep this in mind then when you are deciding how to become a business coach. Business coaches support their clients and point them in the right direction. Sometimes a person just needs a coach to keep them on track. Also, when an individual gets stuck on something, a coach, being impartial to the situation will often see things in a different way. Quite often, online businesses are very small as far as personnel numbers are concerned. In fact, more often than not, an Internet business is simply an individual who is trying to make some extra money on the side. For example, there are countless stay at home moms who need to make some extra money but do not want to leave home to do so. Keep in mind then when you are thinking about how to become a business coach that these individuals online need someone to point them in the right direction. Many of the people who want to start their online business have no idea where to start. Other people may, for instance, have some products that they want to sell on the web but have no idea how to get the whole process started. As you are learning how to become a business coach, realize that there is a large customer base of people who need your help. It will help to have a broad knowledge base when you get started in business coaching. Now you don't necessarily need to know everything from SEO to HTML and things like that. You will, however, require a broader knowledge base than the potential clients that you are going to work with. Some of the items that you will need to have knowledge in include, starting an Internet business, choosing the right business, social networking, building an email opt-in list, article marketing, blogging and several others. There are loads of people who will be happy to pay money to any coach who will help them with their success. You will need to pick one or several niches that you wish to target for your coaching services. Essentially, your target niche will be based on your past experience and knowledge as well as your financial needs. Sit down and calculate what your hourly rate needs to be for you to survive as a business coach. You may need to begin at a lower rate and then gradually increase the amount as you become more popular and in higher demand. In summary, there is a lot here for you to consider as you plan on how to become a business coach. Do you want to know more about starting a work from home opportunity? Just go to Work From Home Opportunity and sign up for the free course. Also, visit John Baril's online training blog at: Online Marketing Promotion Article Source:

Several Key Ideas for Small Business Success

by Alan Gillies Everybody wants to be a big player - whether it's a tiny company or an individual employee! A lot of people seem to have the notion that "Bigger is Better", but recently this notion has changed, and the new concept of "Small is Big" has come onto the scene. It is usually true that the bigger you become the more profit you'll earn through a higher overall sales threshold, and the more efficient you get in your operations, the greater status you will eventually achieve. But there is another side to this example - something really unfortunate, which is that the larger you become the more general risk you will deal with, developing increasingly inflexible and out of control individual client relations. Small firms are much more focused in their approach because there is a much greater possibility of innovation and experimentation in their in-house operations. These small companies may not be able to implement the benefits of "global economics", but they are certainly open to every advantage of "local economics". In the present scenario small businesses are more profitable and growth oriented, as they have the potential to earn significant levels of profit and growth - at unprecedented levels, which percentage wise, big businesses cannot possibly match. Small businesses are far more flexible than big businesses, and they can easily adapt to almost any changes if the need arises, as they are able to rapidly implement informed decisions in a short span of time. Small businesses are successful because they know what they are good at - and they do it, effectively and efficiently. They can serve the needs of their customers in an ideal fashion - regularly pursuing personal interaction, with the common result of an ever expanding number of long term relationships. Small businesses have actual direct communication with their employees and stakeholders, giving them much more control over their operations so they are better able to integrate and coordinate all sorts of activities. Also, with respect to the stock market, there are numerous occasions where we find that stocks of small companies consistently outperform the stocks of their big business counterparts. Their stocks can sometimes earn very high returns for their shareholders and at times may even be less risk prone. During really difficult periods of the market, there is also much less impact on their share values compared with the stocks of big businesses. So what do you think, what matters most - thinking big or becoming big? Copyright (c) 2009 Alan Gillies Alan Gillies is the Managing Director of the L2L Group. He specialises in supplying Executive Coaching, Training and Consultancy Services to International Businesses around the Globe. Do you want to discover more about these truly impressive business success strategies? Get Alan's essential FREE ebook today! Article Source:

How to be a Good Manager and Coach

by Madisen Harper Career expert Madisen Harper outlines five simple coaching actions to become an good manager. If you want to know how to be a good manager then you need to learn how to be a great mentor, coach, leader and role model. But despite all their management training (or lack thereof) one of the biggest complaints I hear from clients is that their manager couldn't inspire a dog into action even if they had a steak around their neck! Harsh words! But unfortunately there's not a lot of love in the office and a recent statistic indicates 60% of workers hate their manager. Employees want to be lead by a manager who is clear, focused, results driven, inspirational and most of all team driven. A great leader sees the value of up-skilling their team and are advocates of on-going development. Team members want to work for people they can learn from and coaching is a great way to support and inspire. Here are 5 tips on being a great coach. 1. Ask your team members what skills they would like to develop. I once asked a man in my department, "If there was one skill you'd like to learn, what would it be?" I kid you not, his eyes welled up as he said, "Nobody has ever cared enough to ask that." Wow! Such a seemingly simple question had such a huge impact. In reality, you shouldn't need to ask this question as skill development is usually part of your company's performance appraisal program. Nonetheless, I've discovered, even when it is, there is little activity or coaching to help employees improve their skills toolbox. So put the effort in and nurture your employees. 2. Work on developing 1-3 skills over a 3-6 month period. The bigger the goal, the fewer goals you can work on at any one time. If the goal is complex you don't want to overwhelm or lead them to fail because there's not enough time to invest in success. If the goals are simple, then you can work on a number of them concurrently. 3. Guide, don't give solutions. Coaching is about helping people, help themselves. You can use your expertise to ask people the right questions which in turn leads them to them to the answers they're after. Employees feel a great sense of accomplishment when they realize their success was a result of their own initiative. 4. Uphold accountability. Keep people on track and accountable. Establish tasks that are due every 1-2 weeks and let your team member know they are responsible for completing the tasks and reporting the progress at your next coaching session. If they start to slack off in delivering, it may be a sign of fear, so it's worth taking the time to investigate what's really going on for them. 5. Reward and recognize. It's my personal belief that we need to celebrate life more and a great way to do that is to acknowledge when milestones and goals are met. Sometimes it is as simple as kind words, because quite honestly, we hear so few in our day-to-day lives. Repeat and replicate the above 5 steps as you work through your teams' goals and watch them flourish in their success. Here's to you becoming a coaching sensation. Source: Free Articles from ABOUT THE AUTHOR Madisen Harper is a career expert who provides a proven system to help people take their first jump into a management, team leader or supervisor role. Get her free report on why "Dealing with Difficult People is Your #1 Priority as a Manager" => . Madisen recently co-authored a book with Dr Wayne Dyer, Brian Tracy & 'The Secret's' John Assaraf & Michael Beckwith.

Bankruptcy Lawyer: Your Final Solution When Running Out Of Options

Author: Robert Thatcher Before rushing to a lawyer to assist you in filing for bankruptcy, you have to make sure what is bankruptcy and what is not. Only then will you have to find a bankruptcy lawyer that you can work with in filing your case. Many people rush to file for bankruptcy thinking that it will solve their financial problems. The opposite is often true. Declaring your business to be legally bankrupt, only mean that you have done everything you could and there is no way for recovery. It means being deep in debt that it will already be impossible for you to sustain the business. There are kinds and variations to bankruptcy and the legal process will depend very much on where you are coming from but the purpose is the same. Bankruptcy cases will take years to resolve. The court will determine what debts do not have to be repaid and what will be directly deducted from your income. In the interim, credit lines will be closed to you. Your credit history will be tainted and no credit institution will want to do business with you. Back taxes that you owe will still have to be paid and obligations will still be enforced like alimony and child support. When there is no resolution that is possible, finding a good bankruptcy lawyer will then be the only recourse. A good bankruptcy lawyer should be someone you can be comfortable talking with. Someone you can trust and someone who has displayed competence in handling bankruptcy. This is very important as communication between you and the lawyer must be based on trust. There have been so many instances when the client holds back on information that he thinks is not so significant only to learn later on that the piece of information that was withheld posed additional complication to the case. Withholding information from your bankruptcy lawyer pose problems where non existed before. Bankruptcy lawyers can only help the client to the extent of the knowledge that the lawyer has. It is crucial then that the client works with the lawyer. This is in the first place the client's future that is at stake. Do not hesitate to interview the lawyer prior to retaining him. Ask the lawyer questions and a good lawyer must answer you in a language that you can understand. If you don't, do not be afraid to clarify statements that could be ambiguous to you. Find out a bankruptcy lawyer that already has an extensive experience in handling bankruptcy cases. Whenever possible find a bankruptcy lawyer who is a specialist. Avoid the generalist, as they may not be able to help you as much. If you feel uncomfortable talking with a particular bankruptcy lawyer, find another one. You can visit the local bar association to find out their recommendation. When you visit your bankruptcy lawyer, bring a list of all the creditors that you owe, including payments to personal loans that you are not left behind and a list of all your assets and liabilities. The more information you provide the bankruptcy lawyer, the better and more accurate the recommendations he will give you. Remember that lawyers can only work as good as the information that you provide. Cooperate well in giving your lawyer the data regarding your case because you are in the best position to give those to him. You also will be the person that will either suffer or benefit from the outcome.

Instant Personal Loans: One Solution To Multiple Problems

by George Linken

Instant personal loans are one of the ideal loans for handling your financial tasks whether it is big small. It can make anyone get an amount based on certain specific conditions and rules. No complicated terms and conditions are being found in these loans and are easy for anyone to approach. These loans will help you in doing lot many things. A few of such things are: • debt repayment • buying a car • buying holiday package to one of the hot spots • arranging your wedding • child’s education • medical treatments • home improvement The secured loans will offer you an amount up to £75,000 with a repayment term of 5 to 25 years. Moreover, the amount offered in the secured personal loans depends on the value of the collateral too. The more valuable your security is the more money will be offered to you. In addition to that, the biggest advantage associated with these loans is that the rate of interest in it is very low. Unsecured loans are appropriate to be approached for small monetary requirements. Amount offered in it ranges from £1,000 to £25,000 and the duration for paying this mount off is 10 years. The best thing about this loan is that no collateral is required to be placed against the loans amount. You can utilize the online services to enjoy the best facilities. As soon as you fill the free form with the lender of your choice, they will approve the money fast in your favor. The scope of comparison among the lenders too is quite wide. Any kind of bad credit records are considered to be eligible to apply for the instant personal loans. CCJs, bankruptcy, arrears, late payment, skipping of installments or defaults are allowed for these loans. All facilities provided to the good credit holders are being also provided to the bad credit holders except for the interest rates. The interest rate is only made a bit high for them.

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Personal Loans Bad Credit: Eases The Financial Disturbances

by Andrew Baker

A bad credit record is always like a burden that keeps disturbing you anytime. Even the main reason is that getting loan becomes impossible with such a bad record. Lenders either use to turn such borrowers down or charges higher interest rates. Therefore, you should, under such circumstances try to go for the personal loans bad credit that are specially designed for borrowers like you. Secured and unsecured, two forms of loans are available. For secured loans you must pledge collateral and the rate of interest in it is quite lower. For a period of 5 to 25 years here you can borrow an amount up to £75,000. Generally, it depends on the value of the collateral and the highly valued collateral provider will be able to borrow higher amount. With the help of the unsecured loans you can handle your small monetary problems. No demand for collateral is made in these loans. For that reason also the offered money in it is less and ranges from £1,000 to £25,000 and one can repay it within 1 to 10 years. But the rate of interest in it is a bit high and to avoid paying it you can go for a loan with lower rate that are easily available in the loan market. All kind of bad credit records are permitted in these loans and there is no reason to prevent any as these are for the bad credit holders only. Any credit record like late payment, skipping of installments, Country Court Judgments, arrears or bankruptcy are allowed. Not only this, the personal loans bad credit will give you a good chance to improve your credit score. For that you will have to do nothing but simply pay the installments regularly. Once you become punctual in the repayment all your poor credit histories will change.

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Home Equity Loan: Secondary Loan But Provides Huge Amount

by Johns Tiel

If you want a big loan for a one time financial purpose then the home equity loans will be the best one for you other than anything else. In comparison to many other loans this is a hugely offering loan and that is why, people find it good being adopted when the financial problems are really big in size. For getting these loans you must provided the equity of your home as collateral as it is being denoted by its name itself. This home equity is the difference between the market value of a home and the value which you have to repay. Take for instance, you have bought a home for £ 100,000 two years ago and have repaid £25,000 to the lender till now. If the market price of that house has now risen to £150,000 then the difference between the money left to pay the lender and the present market price is said to be home equity. This you have to keep as collateral in order to secure these loans. The value of the collateral plays a vital role in enabling you to get good amount as loan. Amount offered in these loans generally ranges from £5,000 to £125,000 along with a repayment term of 5 to 15 years. However, some lenders are there who offer 100 percent of your home’s value. The rate of interest in it is very low. It is only through these loans that a second time loan is possible. As you are providing the equity of your home as collateral then obviously it will be a second time loan. A bad credit holder too will be considered as eligible to apply for these loans. Arrears, bankruptcy, late payment, CCJs, defaults and skipping of installment are being permitted for these loans. The home equity loans can also be termed as secondary loans. It acts as a second mortgage for the borrowers.

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Debt management solution: perfect way to resolve debt related issues

by Allan t Thomas

The fact that you can accumulate loans from various multiple sources makes it easy for you to fulfill your various demands. However, when the time comes to repay the borrowed multiple amount, you will be under a lot of pressure. The pressure arises from the high interest rates associated with the loans and that your income is not just sufficient enough to repay all the debts. The constant bickering of the creditors’ altogether makes it difficult for you to sustain a peaceful life. It is in circumstances like these that you should opt for a debt management solution. Debt management solution is a program designed to assist you eradicate the debt related issues in a convenient manner. The program is a set of rationale policies which when followed, will drastically reduce the burden of overall debts. This program is mainly comprised of beneficial schemes such as debt management service, debt consolidation, debt negotiation etc. Under this program, you can derive suggestion and advices from financial experts on managing the debts. The experts on their par evaluate the amount of debts that remains to be paid. On the basis of assumption, the experts will ask you to prepare a budget and see to it how much amount can be saved by cutting down the expenses. The amount saved will be used to pay off some amount of debts. This will considerably lower the debt burden. You can consolidate the remaining debts in to a single manageable amount. Then you can source a new loan at comparatively low interest rates to pay off the amount. Now, you are obliged to a single lender to whom you have to make a single payment at low interest rate. This way, you will be able to save a considerable amount of money, which can be used to serve other needs. Debt management solution program essentially shows you the way on how to manage the debts in a systematic manner. The rest of the effort is up to you. Debts occur when you are not managing your financial resources, as a result of which you have to rely on external finances. Credit cards too are a major source of high interest debts. So, you should minimize the unwanted expenses and instead adhere to a budget and follow it strictly. It is only by taking these efforts in to account, you will be able to retain the financial freedom.

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Credit Card Debt, What Are Your Options?

by James Mahony

Card cards are often considered a necessity. Credit cards are easy to use and nice to have on hand, but it is also easy to lose control and get into debt. Credit card debt may seem like the end of the world, but the reality is that it is not. There are a number of different options when it comes to getting out of debt. The easiest way to get out of debt with your credit cards is to make more than the minimum monthly payments. Making minimum monthly payments may seem like a good choice at the time, but they will extend the amount of time that you are in debt. This is why it is important to make more than the monthly minimum credit card payments. There are a large number of individuals who do not have the financial resources to pay more than the minimum monthly credit card payment. If you are one of those individuals then you are encouraged to track your spending habits for at least one week. Seeing all of your purchases in print will give you a good idea as to how much money you are wasting on unnecessary purchases. Becoming aware of and eliminating unnecessary purchases is the best way to free up money and make more than the minimum monthly payments on your credit card. One of the downsides to credit cards is the late fees and other penalties assessed when a payment is not made on time. One of the other penalties could include an increase in the minimum monthly payment. This is where many individuals start to get into real trouble with credit card debt. When a person cannot make the minimum monthly payments they are likely to stop paying. This is one of the worst things to do, but it is important to note there are still ways to get help if it does happen. When credit card debt reaches the point where you cannot fix it on your own you may need assistance from a trained professional. The most common way to receive professional help for credit card debt is by speaking to a debt consolidator or a debt settler. Debt settlers are likely to work with a credit card company to lower the amount of money you owe them. Debt consolidators can take your credit card debt and combine it with another debt to make one low monthly payment. Professional debt specialists are often considered one the best options for getting out of credit card debt. They are trained and experienced professionals who not only work with credit card companies, but they may also work with you to help you stay on track. This is something that could be beneficial to a person who regularly experiences credit card debt and other financial troubles. If you are currently suffering from credit card debt it is important that you know you have a number of options. Whether it be developing your own debt-free plan or using the services of a professional there is no reason why you should have to suffer from debt any longer.

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Swimming In Bills? A Debt Consolidation Loan May Be The Answer

by Michael Perry

Every day, individuals are faced with mounting debt that is gradually getting out of control. Once credit cards reach their limits, payments are late or interest skyrockets, it literally becomes a battle of sink or swim in the debt pool. Consumers often turn toward a debt consolidation loan if their current debt can be combined into a smaller monthly payment. The most popular reason for a debt consolidation loan is to get rid of high interest credit cards. It is a well known fact that credit cards carry a much higher interest rate than secured loans, including home and auto. By paying only the minimum payment, it will typically take 15 to 30 years to pay off most credit card debts. The reason is because the majority of each month's minimum payment is swallowed up by interest with very little, if any, money going toward the actual balance. By requesting a debt consolidation loan, many consumers qualify for a much lower interest rate and smaller monthly payments. As the years progress, this reduction can result in a substantial savings while helping the customer to save money every month. The process by which an individual applies for a debt consolidation loan is very similar to any other type of loan. A typical application will ask for the applicant's name, address, telephone, social security number and employment information. In most cases, the potential lender will request a copy of tax returns for the previous two years, current pay stubs and/or employment verification. In certain instances where the applicant has poor credit, the lender may require a co-signer or collateral before approving the loan. With the continued growth of the internet, there is no shortage on potential lenders. A debt consolidation loan may be requested at a local bank or credit union, but may also be sought online. With such a broad range of options, consumers are better equipped to shop around for the most competitive interest rates and loan options. In many cases, an account holder will have success with his/her own bank as they have an established history with the organization. In other instances, a competing bank may be more willing to approve a debt consolidation loan in hopes of earning the applicant's future business. For those who opt to seek a debt consolidation loan online, consumers are urged to proceed cautiously before providing their social security number on any application unless they are certain the lender is legitimate. One way to do that is to check out the company's history with the local Better Business Bureau. A debt consolidation loan is, in many cases, a way for individuals to regain control over their financial life and save some extra cash in the process.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Five Things You Must Know to Expand Your Business and Make it More Profitable

by A. Ray Thomas

You don’t have to be a Fortune 500 company to expand your business globally! With the numerous resources and methods available through ZANA Business Network, expanding into the international marketplace may be easier than you realize. If you’re like most small business owners, you’ve entertained visions of running a successful company that meets increasing customer demand for your product or service. Maybe you’ve dreamed of regional, national or international expansion that would garner huge profits. That this is a typical entrepreneur’s dream is not surprising. What may shock you is that only four percent of American businesses export their products and services around the world. That translates to about 230,000 companies that do business overseas. No doubt, the percentage is low compared to other countries because many small and midsize companies don’t seriously consider international trade for the following reasons: • They are doing well domestically and don’t see a need to market overseas. • They don’t know the economic and political climates, the culture or the language in other countries. • They assume that international transactions are too risky. Now, these are all valid concerns and if you share any of them, you may be surprised to know that you can find everything you need to enter the inter-national marketplace from the U.S. government – including support. The key is making sure you do your homework beforehand. Here are five global marketing tips that will help you determine if going global is right for you and your company. If you would like to dig deeper to learn how you can access more ways to go global, become a free member simply by visiting our website: Global Marketing Tip No. 1: Utilize Government Resources to Identify Opportunities and Support Tools There are many U.S. government resources that SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) should utilize prior to exporting their goods and services. No doubt, through them you will find numerous international trade opportunities in developed and emerging markets. Many small businesses in developed and emerging markets are constantly looking to partner and do business with American companies. You will find free access to these government websites all in one easy to use portal (see location below). • Department of State • Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) • Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) • U.S. Export Assistance Center • U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service • International Trade Administration, • U.S. Department of Commerce • Office of Intellectual Property Rights, U.S. Department of Commerce • Caribbean-Central American Action (CCAA) Global Marketing Tip No. 2: Know the Benefits of Emerging and Developed Markets In emerging markets, there are privatization opportunities due to governments divesting from state-owned firms. In addition, there are often high rates of growth. If a market doesn’t have what you’re selling, that could be an excellent opportunity to export new consumer goods to that market. Even better, the greatest opportunities in emerging markets are with small businesses looking for partners for joint ventures to import and export. Now naturally, developed markets in English-speaking countries, such as Canada, Mexico and England, are often recommended for SMEs just starting out. These particular countries fall under the North American Free Trade Agreement, so the rules and regulations help with strategy. Beginning in a developed country will be far more comfortable for you and your business. Global Marketing Tip No. 3: Consider Becoming a Sub-Supplier to a Larger Company In emerging markets, there is often a high demand for infrastructure projects, such as waste disposal and energy. Think about it. The larger companies often come into these regions first for these jobs, but they need suppliers. These projects often last years and allow you to become part of the supply chain. It is also a good way to test the marketplace while mitigating your risk. Identify the Risks The perception is that greater risk comes with international trade. In actuality, the risks are just different. Government agencies and thousands of companies offer tools to help you, as well as propose other areas of concern that you may not have contemplated. Know this: The more questions you ask your resources, the better prepared you are to market your products and services internationally. Below are just a few areas you need to consider: • Time and distance it takes to ship products • Making sure that you’re going to get paid for the transaction • The political climate • Restrictive trade policies • Calculating your sale properly so that you don’t lose on foreign exchange • The local legal practices of a foreign country Global Marketing Tip No. 4: Know Who Your Foreign Partners Are It is important that you get to know your foreign customers or partners. You will want to pre-qualify them by using international credit-report services through companies, such as Atradius or Dun & Bradstreet (available via ZANA Business Network). You will also want to know if they have lawsuits against them in their country, including liens. Global Marketing Tip No. 5: Use the U.S. Government Resources, Foreign Commercial Service, State Department and the Various Publications That Are Available Make it your business to be briefed on the local political and business community, which is fairly small and closed. In addition, you will want to know who your U.S. contacts are in that country, should you need their help. Follow these global marketing tips and leave your competitors to battle each other for the limited profits. And now we would like to invite you to claim your free membership and the opportunity to market your products, services and ideas at no cost when you go to Are you a small to medium business that is tired of struggling to market your products, services and ideas globally? Do you want to maximize your global business opportunities? Now you can! Combine your business talents with the power of Global Internet Marketing and watch your income soar! Visit and join the new revolution of international business.

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